Today is Earth Day, a celebration of how much we love this little blue planet, third from the sun.
We try every day to make small choices in an effort to lighten our burden on the planet, and it can be really difficult at times to find ways to be environmentally friendly in an inherently environmentally unfriendly industry. A little while ago we were asked to contribute to a post by Boxcar Press about some of our green practices we employ around our shop.
You can read the article here, and see what other smart, green-conscious printers are doing as well.
One of the most fun things we do is repurpose items into new products and the picture below shows 2 of our posters turned into sketch books. We found a couple artists’ pads on their way to the recycling bin, grabbed them, trimmed the paper to fit their new covers, hand-stitched them together and there you have it – art books, made from rescued art pads, using art prints as the cover.