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Is your family like ours? Every time you gather for a special event, the same stories about your childhood get told and re-told. Usually the stories are about a funny and slightly embarrassing thing you did or said. You take turns telling the story, everyone has a good laugh and it’s fun to share the stories with younger generations (are we that old that there are generations after us?)

My family always gets together on December 27 to celebrate my dad’s birthday. This year I decided to immortalize my siblings by printing each one of their “famous” quotes and making them share their own story with the crowd. Lots of fun for them and lots of fun for me setting the words in a meaningful way. I think our future gatherings will be a lot quieter with everyone worried about what they say and whether or not it will be set in print! -MC

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If the Mayan’s were wrong then you’ll need a great hand-made calendar to find your way through 2013. This 4.25 x 4.25 hanging calendar is small enough to fit anywhere. Great office or kitchen calendar for those font-heads out there.

This is only the second calendar we have ever done. This version has a swanky wood veneer cover with a blind debossed 2013. And each month is letterpressed with a wood type initial and our metal calendar lockup. Printed and made in a very limited quantity of only 8 (yes 8) on Neenah Classic Crest recycled natural white 100 lb. card. Order now



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We’ve done this little tongue in cheek Christmas card that pokes some fun at the Mayan 2012 End-of-the-World prophecy. Our card is hand-set with a sans serif wood font and a metal cut of Helvetica. Printed on Neenah Cotton natural white stock and comes with matching A2 envelope.

It’s printed in a limited run for this year only, after that the gag with be over… but hopefully not the World;)

Buy it online for delivery now, before it’s too late!

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A little print project for Cheil Canada and client Silver Snail Comics and Collectibles in Toronto. These specially sized business cards come with insert backer card and protective sleeve – just like the special treatment a comic book gets.

We kiss printed the entire card, then debossed the 2012 snail icon, the Silver Snail word mark and Comic and Collectibles. These cards may be collectible themselves!

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Thanks to Neil at Iron Kite Films in North Carolina for the trust he put in us for his business + note cards. We first met Neil in Cleveland, OH back in the Spring –  he was hired to shoot and edit footage of the We♥Letterpress Exhibit we were in. The movie he made was great and a few months later he contacted us to do this project. A long distance design and print project is not always easy, but with a great client comes the possibility of great work. And this was a fun one.

We used a 110 lbs. Reich Cotton (Savoy) paper we duplexed for a super thick card. Two colours on the front and a blind debossed logo on the back.

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Hello Big Letterpress World!;)

Please be patient as we change our old to new. This change will allow us to update our product more frequently. New pieces will be added as we go. For now, please check out the site and our new Pome Store where you can buy our wonderfully hand-made stuff online really, really easily.

Thanks for all the support from so many of you through the years. We’re on year six for us and hope to have many more to come. Joe + Margot

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Improved shopping experience

Check out our new online store at where you can buy using PayPal or your Credit Card. We’re thrilled to be able to offer a more user friendly online shopping experience through BigCartel.

Come back often, we’ll be updating new items as we can print them up. Plus we’ll now be able to do seasonal sales.

Thanks for supporting local hand-made goods.